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Stallions blow a 3 goals lead in the third, settle for 3-3 tie.

You can never count out a Fuji team. Ever.

This week the yellow Stallions got first period goals from Kirby and Flanagan to take a 2-0 lead. That's not alot when you're playing a Fuji team, but for a while it looked like it was enough.

Early in the third Flanagan scored again for a 3-0 lead, and that was that, right ?

Well hold the phone. While Armand and Kramer were fighting over assists, the green Gunslingers came back. Kellogg scored, then JA scored and before Zack Armand could turn the puck over again, it was 3-2.

A heroic pass from Jake Silk sent JA away for a late, tying goal, and the humiliation for the gold team was at full throttle. It was tied.

Neither team scored in OT, which just made it that much worse for Fortini and the yellow team.

Green is still in last place, but it looks like they're making their move...

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