A long time ago, in a hockey rink, far, far away...
The BBHC is an adult
men’s hockey league run out of Hockeytown Saugus Ma.
Since January 1998 the BBHC has been a league run by hockey players
for hockey players. It is set up to create competitive clean hockey
while incorporating many levels of talent in the game. We have
players that have played Division 1 college hockey right down to
players who picked the sport up as an adult. It is that talent mix
that keeps BBHC one of the most desirable adult leagues in the
Over the last 21 years BBHC continues to be a very unique hockey
environment based on sportsmanship and the shear love of the game.
A true testament to how well it is run is in our extensive waiting
list coupled with an almost zero drop out rate from our ranks. BBHC
gets its roots from another hockey program. In fall of 1993 Bob
Talbot Sr and Bob Talbot Jr (Tripp) were principles involved with
the Hockey Academy. At that time, Hockey Academy started a Friday
morning men’s league. Within 2 years Bob and Trip branched off to
create a Wednesday morning league as the Friday morning league
folded. Bob and Tripp called their own program Icetime Hockey
Leagues. After a few Wednesday morning sessions, Bob and Tripp
moved their league back to Fridays.
In the fall of 97 the Talbots approached a few of the players with
an offer to take over the league. By winter session in 98, BBHC was
formed by Dave Robinson, Rick Breed, Al Peterson, Rick Armand, and
Bill Osbahr. David Robinson has since moved out of state to run a
business but rumor has it he is still between the pipes. At its
inception the board was introduced to none other than David (aka
Beefcake) Gardner. Beef continues to bring his enthusiasm and love
of the game each and every Friday.
As the league began to take shape Beef and his wife Sharon came up
with their highly acclaimed breakfast buffet. Some say the
breakfast is more important that the game and Friday is the best
meal they have all week. Beef’s hockey knowledge, internet
expertise, and unending sense of wit have combined for an
informative and entertaining website. The website alone keeps our
waiting list in a constant state of backlog. Beef is a true
entertainer with an absolute love of the game and a very integral
part of the league.
From the beginning BBHC has used Mark Karas as our head league
official until he reitred from reffing. For 13 years Mark has scheduled officials seamlessly.
Mark has always taken this job serious with the intent of keeping
the game the way the players want it but not bending to pressure.
Over the years he has had to make some difficult decisions while
keeping the game and the league moving along the way the players
prefer it. After 13 years of head officiating, Mark has decided to
retire and play more golf. There are less errant pucks flying
around the course to dodge and he gets to dress in pin stripes as
opposed to ref stripes.
The league is currently run by a board of 5. Rick Breed, Alan
Peterson, Rick Armand, Bill Osbahr, and Tony Onello. The intent of
the board is, and always has been, to develop 4 competitive teams
and keep the league a fun place to enjoy the sport. Teams are
developed each session with parity as the most important factor.
Much effort and input is required to do so. Also it is the intent
of the board to move players around each season in a manner to avoid
any stagnation from season to season. The board of 5 get together
preseason to create teams at the draft. Alan Peterson who has been
the accountant and business manager for BBHC since the league
inceptions has decided to take a position of assistant captain and
the other 4 players assume the roles of team captains Of course, it
is clear that Al is assistant in title alone.
After commencement of
the session often time some level of parity adjustment is made to
accommodate injuries or other issues that affect parity. The
sessions consist of 15 games, playoffs included, as all 4 teams
pursue their quest for the coveted Coffee Cup!