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Tears are falling as Kiss falls hard to Maiden, 9-2.

"Can we go back to playing at Kasabuski ?" asked Andy Long, after Kiss was kissed hard on the lips by Iron Maiden.

"Be a captain they said, it will be fin. Take Fuji they said, it will be fun. You can even have Raimo and Jimmy D, it will be fun they said," Long continued.

To be fair, (to be fair, to be fair, to be faaaaaaair), ahem, to be fair, red Kiss were missing all their top guys, with only the bottomn six showing up.

A goal by Deskin and two by Lloyd had Maiden up 3-0 after one, and Tears are Falling for Kiss.

The red team continued to drop a Deuce, falling behind 6-1 after two.

By the time the game ended it was 9-2, Beth what can I do ?

"Can we play this red team every week,": said Joe Surette.

"Yeah but if we keep beating them, you might get traded to that team," noted Tony Onello.

"Good point," replied Surette.

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