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Red Wind Surfers cruise to easy 4-2 win.

The red Wind Surfers threw a wrench into the playoff plans of the navy team, by beating the gols team 4-2, and sending the standings into chaos.

Third period goals by Ryan Collins and Mark Melito propelled red to the 4-2 win and a chance to steal back 2nd place from the gold team next week.

"Well, we can't take first place, but we can cause more chaos," said Steve Iannetti. "I mean, I could score another goal. Things like that create chaos."

Andy Long had a pair of assists in this one, his first points since secret service agents weren't allowed on sloped roofs.

But Melito took the cake on this day, with a goal, assist, and a penalty. We're still checking on the assist.

The gold team is still wondering of all the new players that joined this season, why they got the worst guy.

On a side note, Long is petiioning the league to move the red playoff games to Kasabuski, where thay are undefeated this season.

Check out our great new box score here.