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Green and Red play a non results orientated game.

This season we've seen alot of BBHC firsts:

- We've played at a different rink.

- Too many injureis to count.

- Jimmy D. was traded.

- Fujiu's GAA is under 10.

- and lastly, we had poor ice conditions, that turned this game into a glorified pick up game.

Mark Melito got screwed the most, as the league's leading scorer didn't get credit for any points.

But to be fair, the extreme heat has reeked havoc on the the newly painted rink for a few weeks, and finally there was an issue. So before the game, Bill Osbahr made it known that by executive order, the game would be a 0-0 tie. Not sure if this was before or after he saw Kriby putting on the goalie equipment or not.

Check out our great new box score here.